
XVII Road Show in New York confirms investors' interest in Peru

Photo: AFP

Photo: AFP

12:00 | New York (U.S.), Sep. 6.

After three intense days of work, the activities of the XVII inPERU Road Show in New York City concluded successfully on Thursday, confirming the interest of foreign investors in Peru, the organizing institution has reported.

The delegation —made up of more than 50 businesspeople and public sector authorities— presented at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) the advantages and immense potential that Peru offers for investing in various economic sectors.

"The interest of foreign investors in Peru was reflected in the business roundtables and one-on-one meetings they held with members of the Peruvian delegation, made up of more than 50 representatives from the public and private sectors," inPERU indicated.

The Road Show's main event was the 'Invest in PERU' seminar, which took place at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) —the largest stock exchange in the world. The seminar presented the advantages, the potential of various economic sectors, and the investment opportunities offered by our country.

Participating as speakers were Romulo Mucho, Minister of Energy and Mines; Carlos Gonzalez, Deputy Minister of Economy; Adrian Armas, Economic Studies Central Manager at the Central Reserve Bank of Peru; Mercedes Araoz, who led the official delegation; Jose Antonio Blanco, Past President of inPERU and General Manager of BTG Pactual Perú; and Juan Carlos Mandujano, Executive Director of inPERU.

Peru, a key player in mining

During his presentation, Minister Romulo Mucho stated that Peru is a key player in mining thanks to its significant reserves of copper, silver, molybdenum, zinc, and gold.

Similarly, he discussed the sector's challenges and its potential for expansion, the energy transition and its progress in Peru, as well as the opportunities for attracting investments in mining and energy, highlighting the generation of wind, solar, geothermal, and hydroelectric energy.

The Cabinet member also presented the megaprojects in the portfolio for the hydrocarbon subsector, including the methane petrochemical hub for fertilizer production and the gas pipeline to meet demand in Peru's southern regions.

"In Peru, investors, both foreign and local, are provided with a stable framework for investments, and our government is working to improve public policies so as to facilitate their arrival," he pointed out.

In turn, Deputy Economy Minister Gonzalez highlighted the responsible management of fiscal policy that allows for reaffirming the commitment to achieving deficit and debt levels within the framework of fiscal rules.

"Peru is aiming for an annual 5% growth; therefore, the participation of foreign direct investment (FDI) is very important," he underlined.


Publicado: 6/9/2024