
Trade Min: Peru's exports up 11.8% in Jan-Jul 2024

09:31 | Lima, Sep. 5.

Peruvian exports from January to July this year reached US$40.014 billion, representing an 11.8% increase compared to the same period in 2023, new Foreign Trade and Tourism Minister Ursula Leon Chempen highlighted.

"Peruvian exports grew by 36.8% in July and have accumulated an 11.8% increase from January to July," the Cabinet member underlined during a press conference held following the Council of Ministers session on Wednesday.

"What are the most notable contributions to this growth? The contribution of metallic mining, agriculture, and fishing, a sector that I find particularly relevant; it is crucial that fishing is now once again achieving excellent results thanks to the efforts of large, medium, and small-scale fishermen in our country," Leon Chempen emphasized.

“In the case of mining, one of the products that has contributed the most to this growth is gold, whose exports exceeded US$2.4 billion," she added.

The Mincetur head highlighted that, in the first months of this year, Peru's agricultural exports have also experienced increase in shipments abroad, thanks to higher sales of cacao.

"Exports of coffee and fruits, such as avocados, blueberries, and tangerines, have increased as well," Leon Chempen noted.

"This is very good news, and it means that the State policies being developed are on the right path," she added.

Export markets

According to information provided by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur), Peruvian exports reached 181 markets from August 2023 to July 2024.

The Asian continent accounted for more than half of export value (52%), followed by the Americas (31%) and Europe (16%).

Within this framework, the main destinations were China (35% of the total), the United States (13%), the European Union (11%), Canada (5%), and India (5%).

In this regard, the Mincetur head stated that China was the main destination for exports of minerals (51%) and fishery products (47%).

In turn, agricultural goods worth US$11.369 billion were exported mainly to the United States (35%) and the European Union (29%).

For their part, textile-clothing shipments worth US$1.584 billion were directed primarily to the U.S. (50%).


Publicado: 5/9/2024