
Production Min: 325,596 citizens already vaccinated in Peru

Photo: ANDINA/Vidal Tarqui

Photo: ANDINA/Vidal Tarqui

19:01 | Lima, Mar. 8.

325,596 people have been vaccinated against COVID-19 as of March 8 at 4:00 p.m., Production Minister Jose Luis Chicoma has reported.

This number includes first-line health personnel immunized in February, who were joined today by older adults, as well as members of the Armed Forces and National Police of Peru.

Within this framework, the high-ranking official specified that the Ministry of Health (Minsa) ordered the delivery of 17,500 Pfizer vaccines for the Armed Forces and other 17,500 for the Police.

Vaccination Plan

In this sense, this stage is comprised of people who work in the health sector, citizens over the age of 60, firefighters, security staff, Serenazgo (municipal security), cleaning staff, medicine students, as well as members of the National Police, Armed Forces, Red Cross, brigade, and polling stations.

The regulation adds that the objective of Phase II is to decrease major morbidity and mortality in the population most at risk.

Meanwhile, this stage aims to reduce severe morbidity and mortality in the population at highest risk, such as: people with comorbidity, members of native or indigenous communities, National Penitentiary Institute (INPE) personnel, and inmates. 

Finally, Phase III is expected to reduce the transmission of the infection within the community and generate herd immunity. During this stage, people aged between 18 and 59 will be vaccinated.


Publicado: 8/3/2021