
President: We are fighting delinquency and organized crime in Peru

Photo: Presidency of the Republic of Peru

Photo: Presidency of the Republic of Peru

09:20 | Callao (Callao region), Jun. 20.

The President of the Republic Dina Boluarte affirmed that her Government is fighting delinquency and organized crime nationwide by leading the largest police operation in Peru's history: Safe Dawn, which in an unprecedented event is carried out simultaneously in every region of the country.

Therefore, more than 17,000 Peruvian National Police (PNP) agents have been deployed, who are supported by the Armed Forces. The main penitentiary establishments are also being intervened.

"We are fighting delinquency and organized crime on a national scale. We are not going to give up," Mrs. Boluarte said from the PNP Aviation headquarters in Callao region, where she initiated the operation.

Safe Dawn includes identity checks, detention of people wanted by justice, stolen vehicles recovery, illegal firearms confiscation, and stolen mobile phones seizure, among other actions.

"At this moment, each region of the country sees the presence of a minister or deputy-minister, who will be in charge of closely supervising police performance," she indicated.

The top official stated that the Government's commitment is to ensure the safety each Peruvian man and woman.

"We want you to feel protected from the moment you start your activities, because where there is security, there is development; and where there is development, there are opportunities for everyone," she emphasized.

The Head of State highlighted the importance of the Public Ministry participating in this type of interventions.

Moreover, the president reiterated that united Peruvians will win the fight against delinquency and organized crime.

"Only united, working as a team, will we be able to confront these scourges," she highlighted.

In turn, Interior Minister Jose Santivañez affirmed that today's operation is the largest in Latin America.

"The Interior sector has come out to fight against delinquency and organized crime. We are counting not only on the participation of the Peruvian National Police, but also of the Armed Forces. Similarly, the main penitentiary establishments in the country are being intervened," he said.


Publicado: 20/6/2024