
President Garcia pays tribute to US unknown heroes

President Garcia pays tribute to U.S. unknown heroes. Photo: Sepres.

20:15 | Washington, Jun. 01 (ANDINA).

Peruvian President Alan Garcia Perez on Tuesday afternoon laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery, Washington DC, where lie the remains of former US presidents and war heroes. The tomb, which stands atop a hill overlooking Washington, D.C ., is one of the most popular military cemetery established during the US Civil War.
Upon his arrival at the cemetery, the Peruvian leader was welcomed by the Deputy Director of Protocol of the United States, Dennis W. Cheng, and the Director of the Inter-American Defense College, Rear Admiral Moira Flanders.
Accompanied by Flanders, President Garcia saluted the Peruvian flag and then, accompanied by his official delegation, he headed to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
After saluting, President Garcia entered the cemetery’s Site Museum, where the historian Thomas Sherlock told the story of this cemetery.
After this activity, President Garcia together with his delegation went to the White House to meet with U.S. President Barack Obama.
Publicado: 1/6/2010