
President Boluarte: We are going to continue strengthening women's empowerment in Peru

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

13:19 | Lima, Nov. 28.

The President of the Republic Dina Boluarte on Tuesday affirmed that her administration will continue to strengthen the empowerment of women in Peru so that they can undertake sustainable businesses and support their families.

"We are going to continue strengthening even more (the work) to empower women, because we know that they are so valuable as in these spaces at Cuna Mas, like the volunteers who take care of our children," she expressed.

In that sense, the top official called on the private sector, with the aim of coming together, as well as making social organizations and the women who make them up better citizens.

"Let's get (women) trained, so we can undertake businesses with you, because you give your time for the Glass of Milk (program), soup kitchens, and community kitchens, but what about you? That is why when I was a minister (of Development and Social Inclusion) we obtained 100,000 scholarships from Grupo Romero to train you, so you can undertake (businesses)," she indicated.

The Head of State explained that there are initiatives coming from the Executive Branch that have the "purpose of granting a seed or capital so that women can start businesses that last over time."

"The private sector must participate there, because we are all Peru, not just the government, because when children look ahead, private companies will be able to hire them; that is what we have to bet on when we say that they are the country's future," she added.

Cuna Mas

Cuna Mas aims to improve the development of girls and boys under 36 months of age in areas hit by poverty and extreme poverty. Thus, it seeks to contribute to overcoming the gaps in their cognitive, social, physical, and emotional development.

President Boluarte also recalled the time when she served as Development and Social Inclusion Minister promoting programs such as Cuna Mas, through which children are cared for against anemia and malnutrition.

"I want to thank the program volunteers, who with their affection strengthen this feeling in children's cognitive part," she said.


Publicado: 28/11/2023