
President Boluarte highlights Peru-China cultural exchange and solid friendship

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

00:30 | Shenzhen (China), Jun. 26.

The President of the Republic Dina Boluarte highlighted the solid friendship between Peru and the People's Republic of China, during the inauguration of "The Inka and their Tawantinsuyu: The Land of Four Quarters" exhibition at the Nanshan Museum in Shenzhen.

"I would like to underscore that this archaeological showcase is not only a cultural exhibition but also a symbol of the solid friendship between our two countries," Mrs. Boluarte expressed.

"Over the years, Peru and China have strengthened their ties, not only in terms of trade, investment, politics, and diplomacy but also by enriching cultural exchange and people-to-people ties," she added.

The Head of State said it was an honor to begin her official visit to the People's Republic of China with the inauguration of an exhibition about the Inca Empire —an advanced civilization that integrated the practices, knowledge, and technology of previous cultures.

"This traveling exhibition that has been touring the most prestigious museums throughout China showcases more than 150 original pieces from 14 Peruvian museums," she indicated.

The top official mentioned that this exhibition opens up a window so that the Chinese people can immerse themselves in an ancient civilization's history.

"By immersing ourselves in this experience, we will recognize the importance of preserving and celebrating our cultural identities," Mrs. Boluarte noted.

"We hope that this museum window into Peruvian history and archeology will encourage the Chinese people to explore further by visiting Peru and its many tourist destinations, strengthening even more our friendship ties," she expressed.

The top official underscored that visitors to the exhibition will be able to get to know Machu Picchu, Sacsayhuaman, the Sacred Valley, as well as pre-Inca cultures such as Kuelap, Chan Chan, the Nazca Lines, among others.

At the end of her speech, Mrs. Boluarte thanked all the people who got involved and made it possible to showcase a display of Peru's culture in the People's Republic of China.

The exhibition will remain in the Asian country until March 2025.


Publicado: 25/6/2024