
PM: 2025 Public Budget responds to Peru's major challenges

Photo: ANDINA/Juan Carlos Guzman

Photo: ANDINA/Juan Carlos Guzman

11:13 | Lima, Dec. 2.

Prime Minister Gustavo Adrianzen highlighted the efforts of all sectors of the Executive and Legislative Branches to agree on a Public Budget Law for Fiscal Year 2025 that is realistic in financial matters, decentralized, and has a social focus, which guarantees the most vulnerable population’s development.

"The budget law has required the commitment of all sectors to ensure that it is realistic and coherent, decentralized, and with a social perspective, and that it responds to the major challenges in the areas of health, education, water and sanitation, security, road infrastructure and agricultural development, among other important issues," he indicated during a Congress plenary session on Saturday.

During his speech, the Cabinet chief, who was accompanied Economy-Finance Minister Jose Arista, expressed the Executive Branch's agreement with the ruling that proposes the Public Sector Budget Law for Fiscal Year 2025, which allocates more than S/251 billion (above US$67.130 billion) for next year. It was approved with 78 votes in favor.

During the session, in which the Laws on Financial Balance and Public Sector Indebtedness for Fiscal Year 2025 were also approved, the Prime Minister underscored that these legal instruments prioritize social investment, since they allocate resources worth S/1 million (about US$267,450) or more to all municipalities for investments.

"This decision is essential to empower communities and foster development in every corner of our homeland. Every Sol (Peruvian currency) invested in our communities is a step towards a more just and equitable Peru," he indicated.

The high-ranking official acknowledged that the population's demands are enormous. Thus, he emphasized that they must be addressed prudently and progressively in order for the decisions to be sustainable.

Adrianzen also noted that in 2025 more resources will be allocated to crucial sectors such as public security, health, and agricultural development, without losing sight of education and infrastructure development.

"These areas are essential for sustainable development in our country and for every Peruvian to have the opportunity to thrive," he added.


Publicado: 2/12/2024