
Peru's President: We reaffirm commitment to support 'Sinchis' in fight against terrorism

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

15:07 | Mazamari (Junin region), Jun. 21.

The President of the Republic Dina Boluarte on Friday reaffirmed the Government's support for "Los Sinchis" —a police group based in Mazamari district that fights against drug trafficking and terrorism— in their battle against terrorist remnants.

"You are an example of Peruvian identity that deserves gratitude and congratulations from the entire country. From our Government, we reaffirm our commitment to supporting the noble task that you carry out with the integrity and fortitude that characterize you," she expressed.

The Head of State explained that the development of Peru and its citizens is achieved in a climate of peace, unity, and permanent dialogue.

"Hand-in-hand with 'Los Sinchis' we will continue the task of defeating the remnants of terrorism and drug trafficking; united we will defeat them," she stated.

The top official highlighted the creation, 59 years ago, of this elite unit for the fight against drug trafficking and terrorism, whose members, in addition, "always showed love for the homeland."

"Supported by this dedication, our 'Sinchis' were a key piece in Peru's pacification efforts through their relentless fight against Shining Path (terrorist group) and now against remnants allied with drug trafficking, contributing to the peaceful climate we all wish," she underlined.

Mrs. Boluarte said this force that makes up the Peruvian National Police will fight until these remnants are eradicated, since "with their actions they (Los Sinchis) destroy (illegal drug) laboratories, deactivate landing strips, and deal harsh blows to these enemies of the country."

"They are also recognized for their participation in civic operations in case of disasters and serving vulnerable populations," she added.


Publicado: 21/6/2024