
President: New Central Highway to dynamize several Peruvian regions' economies

Photo: ANDINA/ Presidency of the Republic of Peru

Photo: ANDINA/ Presidency of the Republic of Peru

13:30 | Lima, Feb. 13.

The President of the Republic Dina Boluarte on Tuesday affirmed that the new Central Highway will boost the economies of Peru's central and coastal regions, reduce cargo transportation costs, and facilitate the transfer of export products.

"This mega-project will (serve to) boost the economy, reduce the costs of transporting heavy cargo, and facilitate the transfer of export products. Thanks to the new Central Highway, there will be faster and more efficient connection with Jorge Chavez International Airport, the Port of Callao, and the future Chancay Megaport," she explained.

The Head of State indicated that this public work will allow for better and greater commercial and tourist opportunities aimed at more Peruvians in areas ranging from Huarochiri to the Mantaro Valley.

"In unity, with transparency, without corruption, and with the help of all the authorities involved, we will move this project forward, which will benefit more than 10 million compatriots," she stated.

The top official underlined that this mega-project will require financing worth more than S/24 billion (above US$6.21 billion), being this "the largest public investment in Peru's history."

Mrs. Boluarte added that it will connect the country's central area with eastern regions.

"Today, we present the start of its definitive study, which will mark a concrete milestone for its execution; this study will establish the final characteristics of the (public) work, the extension of its bridges, viaducts, tunnels, and other technical aspects of its 185 kilometers," she specified.

In that sense, Mrs. Boluarte affirmed that the new Central Highway will become the first mountain highway in the country, thus modernizing road connectivity in Peru.

"There will be a before and after in our country's history; we want to modernize the country, we are betting on this mega-work, and we will continue betting on more works that put the country in the spotlight," she concluded.

This event took place at the Government Palace in the Peruvian capital, Lima. 


Publicado: 13/2/2024