
Peru's President: Government's duty is to fight against major inequalities

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru.

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru.

14:39 | Lima, Sep. 26.

The President of the Republic Pedro Castillo on Monday affirmed that the Government's duty is to fight a common enemy in the country, such as major inequalities and the gaps to be closed.

The remarks were made during his participation at the 10th National Congress of Artisanal Fishers in Peru, held in Lima's Chorrillos district, in which he collected concerns and demands of said sector.

"Behind every worker there are not only working tools and a union, but also a family and children, so we have to work for them," the Head of State underscored.

According to Mr. Castillo, artisanal fishers are crying out for the establishment of a Ministry of Fisheries, which is an issue that needs to be discussed with grassroots organizations and workers' unions.

The dignitary underlined that artisanal fishers ensure food supply for Peruvian families and provide the country with food. "Real and objective support is provided," he explained.

Moreover, the President expressed his commitment to convey the demands and proposals of artisanal fishers to the Council of Ministers for their evaluation.

On the other hand, the top official affirmed that the Government is moving forward, despite the fact that some politicians do not like to see it (the Government) standing on the side of the people, solving issues geared to reclaiming rights.

"We have to move forward because Peru comes first," he said.


Publicado: 26/9/2022