President of the Republic Pedro Castillo on Tuesday participated in a ceremony marking the Day of Peruvian Medicine and the 86th anniversary of the Ministry of Health (Minsa), held outside the facilities of said government department.
The Head of State accompanied the relatives of doctors and healthcare workers who passed away fighting COVID-19, during a tribute to honor the work of these Peruvians, who lost their lives taking care of and saving the population.
The ceremony also served to express the Government's commitment to the strengthening of primary care and actions to continue the vaccination process.
Also attending were Social Health Insurance System (EsSalud) Executive-President Mario Carhuapoma, Peruvian Medical Federation President Godofredo Talavera, the Dean of the Peruvian College of Physicians Miguel Palacios, and the Dean of San Fernando Faculty of Medicine at San Marcos University Luis Podesta.
Among the guests were Deputy Public Health Minister Gustavo Rosell, Deputy Benefits-Health Insurance Minister Bernardo Ostos, Minsa's Secretary-General Maria Juscamaita, Cabinet Chief of Ministerial Staff Dalia Suarez, PAHO/WHO Representative in Peru Carlos Garzon, among other high-ranking officials and authorities of the sector.
The Day of Peruvian Medicine is commemorated to remember the sacrifice made by our hero Daniel Alcides Carrion, who passed away on October 5, 1885, after he inoculated himself the Bartonella bacilliformis bacteria in order to find the cure for the Peruvian wart.
Some decades later —on October 5, 1935, when the country commemorated the 50th anniversary of the death of the Peruvian medicine martyr— Legislative Decree No. 8124 established the Ministry of Public Health, Labor, and Social Welfare, which later changed its name to the Ministry of Health.
Publicado: 5/10/2021