00:00 | Boston (U.S.), Jan. 26.
Consulate General of Peru in Boston secured the restitution of 15 items from the Nation's Cultural Heritage, handed over by American citizen Bruce Phillips in a symbolic ceremony at the consular office in Boston, United States.
The 15 pieces originate from the pre-Hispanic cultures Nazca, Vicus, Huaura, Wari, Chimu, and Chancay, developed in Peru during the Early Intermediate Period (200 BC-600 AD), Middle Horizon (600-1000 AD), and Late Intermediate Period (1000 AD-1476 AD), according to the technical report prepared by the
Ministry of Culture.
Peruvian Consul General in Boston, Stella Maris Chirinos, expressed her gratitude on behalf of the Peruvian State to Mr. Phillips for his gesture of voluntarily returning the cultural assets, emphasizing that the protection and recovery of cultural heritage is part of our country's foreign policy.
She added that this effort is carried out through embassies and consulates worldwide.
The restitution was made possible thanks to close coordination between the Consulate in Boston and Mr. Phillips.
cultural assets handed over are in the custody of the Peruvian Consulate in Boston and will be returned to Peru soon, following established protocols for their protection and transfer.
Publicado: 26/1/2025