
Peru: Prime Minister urges population to be prepared for quakes

Photo: ANDINA/ Hector Vinces

Photo: ANDINA/ Hector Vinces

13:58 | Lima, May. 31.

Peru's Prime Minister Anibal Torres on Tuesday urged the population to be always on alert in case of drills and to be prepared for a possible earthquake in the country.

After supervising the national multi-hazard drill held this morning, Torres noted that on a day like today, in 1970, an earthquake caused the Huascaran Mountain avalanche and the disappearance of towns such as Yungay, in Ancash.

"An event like this should not occur again. We have to be prepared," he told the press.

According to the Cabinet chief, this preparedness must start at home within one's own family; for example, by encouraging members to prepare an emergency backpack in order to survive the first 48 hours following an earthquake.

Likewise, he said, children are prepared at schools.

Torres mentioned that although there are schools whose refurbishments are still ongoing and there are others under construction, most of them have been refurbished.

University classes

On the other hand, the head of the Ministerial Cabinet believes that universities should give priority to face-to-face education over the distance one, since the latter requires a study space at home and makes it difficult to concentrate.

"Universities have no excuse for failing to teach students face to face," he remarked.

During the activity, the high-ranking official was joined by Defense Minister Jose Luis Gavidia, Education Minister Rosendo Serna, and civil defense authorities, with whom he supervised the simulation exercise in Lima's Chorrillos district.


Publicado: 31/5/2022