
Peru: President Boluarte visits Maynas Productive CITE in Loreto

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

16:00 | Iquitos (Loreto region), Aug. 29.

The President of the Republic Dina Boluarte visited the Maynas Center for Productive Innovation and Technology Transfer (CITE) in Iquitos on Thursday to verify the support provided to producers in Loreto region, northeastern Peru.

This establishment fosters the development of products such as camu camu, aguaje, and fishery ones, among others, that come from this region and are potentially exportable.

The Head of State toured various areas of this establishment, whose objective is to boost Loreto region's economic development thanks to the support of activities such as agribusiness.

In one of the rooms, a presentation was held by producers who benefit from the support of Maynas CITE, with whom Mrs. Boluarte spoke.

Other activities

President Boluarte arrived in Iquitos, Loreto region, this morning to fulfill various activities.

The top official participated in the Binational Forum on Economic-Technological Development and Environmental Sustainability in the Northeastern Macroregion of Peru, where joint actions with Brazil are evaluated.


Publicado: 29/8/2024