
Peru: President Boluarte participates in Supreme Court Bicentennial Ceremony

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

14:57 | Lima, Feb. 7.

President Dina Boluarte on Friday participated in the ceremony commemorating the Bicentennial of the installation of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Republic, within the Judicial Branch.

This event took place at Vidaurre Hall of the Palace of Justice in the Peruvian capital, Lima.

It was attended by Judiciary Chairwoman Janet Tello, Congress Chairman Eduardo Salhuana, Cabinet Chief Gustavo Adrianzen, State ministers, legislators, and justice system authorities. 

Also present were National Elections Board (JNE) Head Roberto Burneo, Constitutional Court (TC) Chairwoman Luz Pacheco, and other dignitaries.

It should be noted that the installation of the Supreme Court of Justice took place after Liberator Simon Bolivar formally declared it established by decree on December 19, 1824.

Its first Chairman was Manuel Lorenzo de Vidaurre y Encalada (1825).

On February 8, 1825, the highest court of justice was composed of Lorenzo Vidaurre y Encalada (Chairman) and four judges: Francisco Valdivieso, Jose Cavero y Salazar, Fernando Lopez Aldana, and Tomas Ignacio Palomeque, along with Prosecutor Jose Maria Galdeano.


Publicado: 7/2/2025