
Peru: President Boluarte delivers protective equipment to volunteer firefighters

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

11:06 | Lima, Oct. 23.

President Dina Boluarte's Government on Wednesday handed over 620 self-contained breathing apparatuses to the General Corps of Volunteer Firefighters of Peru, which enhance their response capacity in the event of any incident.

The delivery of this equipment responds to the need to improve the safety of volunteer firefighters, who annually respond to over 100,000 emergencies, including structure and forest fires, natural disasters, medical emergencies, and vehicle accidents.

Their acquisition entailed an investment worth close to S/20 million (about US$5.329 million).

"These devices do not represent an expense, but rather a well-deserved recognition. By providing you (firefighters) with what you need, we want to express our gratitude for everything you do and will continue to do for Peru," Mrs. Boluarte emphasized.

In this regard, the president indicated that this delivery is in addition to the more than 1,000 personal protective equipment (PPE) granted to the General Fire Department last month.

Mrs. Boluarte said both deliveries reaffirm the Government's commitment to the security and progress of Peruvians.

"For years, the authorities in power did not care about providing you (firefighters) with the necessary tools to carry out your work safely. However, that is different now; this government is strongly committed to addressing and improving the quality of life of the population and supporting institutions as valuable as firefighters," she underlined.

Moreover, the Head of State referred to the strike called by a sector of transportation unions and expressed her solidarity with their concern for public safety.

The top official said her government does not stop fighting crime through intelligence actions and operations carried out by the Peruvian National Police.

"Day by day, more criminals, who have made extortion their way of life, are being captured, and soon their leaders, both national and foreign, will also be brought to justice, to the relief of housewives, students, workers, and, of course, our brothers and sisters in the transport sector," she stated.

Lastly, the top official called for unity among all Peruvians, the political class and citizens in general, to win the fight against both delinquency and organized crime.

"At this crucial moment, it is up to all of us to stand together as one fist to defeat crime. Let us not follow the echo of hatred or divisiveness; let us echo unity, the unity that we so desperately need to continue moving forward," she pointed out.


Publicado: 23/10/2024