
Peru names new ambassador to Luxemburg

Photo: ANDINA/Andres Valle

Photo: ANDINA/Andres Valle

10:41 | Lima, Dec. 25.

The Executive Branch has appointed Luis Enrique Chavez Basagoitia as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Peru to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

According to Supreme Resolution No. 205-2022-RE published on Sunday in the Official Gazette El Peruano, the diplomatic official will continue to serve simultaneously as Peruvian envoy to Belgium.

Chavez was appointed as Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador to the Kingdom of Belgium —as part of the Peruvian Diplomatic Service— on October 20 this year.

Likewise, December 1, 2022 was set as the date on which he would take up his duties in Belgium.

The regulation indicates that —in a verbal note— the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg reported that his Royal Highness, the Grand Duke of Luxembourg, granted the agrément to the Peruvian ambassador.

The resolution, which was promulgated today, will not add any expense to the budget statement of the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Publicado: 25/12/2022