
Peru: Modern molecular biology lab opened in Lima

Photo: ANDINA.

Photo: ANDINA.

18:29 | Lima, Jan. 10.

The Directorate of Integrated Health Networks in Southern Lima (DIRIS Lima Sur) opened a molecular biology laboratory, which will allow —using the LAMP methodology— timely detection of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the Ministry of Health (Minsa) reported on Sunday.

"This laboratory will have the capacity to perform 150 daily tests, which will be increased based on demand, thus allowing timely and reliable diagnosis of the virus for the population within our jurisdiction," Diris Lima Sur General Director Victor Bacini pointed out.

According to Bacini, the National Health Institute (INS) will train healthcare workers to use the equipment, as well as to collect, transport, and treat the samples.

"Subsequently, following the fulfilment of all real-time PCR detection requirements, the INS will grant the corresponding certification to the laboratory, which is located at the Diris Lima Sur headquarters in Lima's Barranco district," he said.
The event included the participation of Socios En Salud (Partners in Health) General Director Leonid Lecca, as well as Maribel Huaringa, a medical technologist at the INS' Reference Laboratory.

It must be noted that, as a result of the health emergency, Minsa strengthened the capacity of national laboratories for molecular processing and detection of the novel coronavirus. 

To date, there are 76 decentralized laboratories nationwide for timely diagnosis of the viral disease.


Publicado: 10/1/2021