
Peru: Ministries turn blue for World Autism Awareness Day

21:05 | Lima, Apr. 2.

The headquarters of various ministries have turned blue for World Autism Awareness Day, which is commemorated annually on April 2.

Heads of different portfolios participated tonight in the countdown and lighting ceremony at the front of the Ministry of Health (Minsa) headquarters in Lima's Jesus Maria district.

Similarly, the headquarters of the Ministry of Interior (Mininter) turned blue to stress the need to contribute and promote the support, inclusion, and defense of people with autism.

In addition to Ministers Rosa Gutierrez (Health) and Vicente Romero (Interior), the ceremony featured heads of the following sectors: Justice and Human Rights, Jose Tello; Transport and Communications, Paola Lazarte; Social Inclusion, Julio Demartini; Energy and Mines, Oscar Vera; Culture, Leslie Urteaga; Agrarian Development and Irrigation, Nelly Paredes; Women and Vulnerable Populations, Nancy Tolentino; and Education, Oscar Becerra.

In addition to the Minsa, the Government Palace, and the Mininter, premises of other government agencies were lit in the same color, which has become the symbol of autistic spectrum disorders (ASDs)

One of them was the Torre Tagle Palace —the main headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs— which joined the global campaign endorsed by the United Nations.

"The headquarters of the Foreign Affairs Ministry is lit in blue today, reaffirming our commitment to this year's motto: Toward a Neuro-Inclusive World for All," the government agency said in a statement.

It should be noted that autism is a condition whose symptoms appear in early childhood and is characterized by challenges in communication and social interaction, as well as the presence of restrictive and repetitive behaviors and interests, which may persist in other human being's life stages.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it is estimated that worldwide about 1 in 100 children has autism.


Publicado: 2/4/2023