
Peru: Judiciary allows private sector to import vaccines against COVID-19

Photo: PCM

Photo: PCM

19:52 | Lima, Jun. 1.

The Second Specialized Civil Court of La Molina and Cieneguilla has authorized private sector companies to import vaccines against COVID-19 to be distributed among their staff and their immediate relatives.

The decision was confirmed by the Judicial Branch in a tweet on its official account, which states that the above-mentioned court also authorizes the vaccination with observance of health protocols.

Likewise, it urges the Executive Branch —through the Ministry of Health (Minsa) and the Presidency of the Council of Ministers— to regulate the procedure that companies shall adhere to when importing said vaccines.

However, the court rejects the total liberalization of COVID-19 vaccine imports for free commercialization, without adhering to health requirements.

This last request had been made through an appeal for constitutional protection (amparo) filed by La Molina Mayor Alvaro Paz de la Barra against the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM), the Congress of the Republic, and the Ministry of Health (Minsa).

In addition, the petition was declared unfounded in case local and regional governments are authorized to import the above-mentioned vaccines.

Meanwhile, the Executive Branch is urged to work jointly with local and regional governments in the vaccination process, in order to ensure that the vaccination of people aged between 59 and 18 years of age is completed this year.

It should be pointed out that the Minister of Health, Oscar Ugarte, has said several times that no regulation prevents the private sector from importing vaccines against the coronavirus.

However, he noted that, even though there are 868 importers of medicines and vaccines in Peru, none of them have been able to import the doses due to the fact that producing laboratories are not supplying them to private companies but to governments "because it is much easier for them to sell on a national scale." 


Publicado: 1/6/2021