
Peru included in Ibero-American Network of Smart Tourist Destinations

16:04 | Lima, Oct. 24.

Foreign Trade and Tourism Minister Juan Carlos Mathews on Tuesday announced that Peru has been included in the Ibero-American Network of Smart Tourist Destinations, which constitutes an opportunity to promote technological, innovative, articulated, and competitive tourist development in the country.

The announcement was made at the "Innovative tourism workshop: Discover the keys to innovation in the tourism sector," an event held by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur), which included the visit of the Network's Technical Secretary, Gonzalo Alfredo La Rosa, who was also in charge of running the above-mentioned workshop.

The incorporation into the Network responds to the efforts of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism and the coordination with different competent actors to adapt a model for the Management of Smart Tourist Destinations to the reality of the country.

Becoming an institutional member of this important Network will provide various benefits for Peru, including the impetus to research in each of the axes of development in Smart Tourist Destinations, as well as the search for funding opportunities and subsidies to implement tourism intelligence projects and initiatives.

Other benefits include training and capacity-building related to the areas and axes of smart tourist destinations; the establishment of a framework for the joint promotion of the Smart Tourist Destinations making up the Network; as well as the consultancy and exchange of experiences and good practices.

"Mincetur is working hard to create greater opportunities for the entire chain of tourism. Tourism is an important source of employment and opportunities. We are grateful to be part of the Ibero-American Network of Smart Tourist Destinations. This is a route that concerns us all," the government official remarked.


Last September 8, Minister Mathews requested the inclusion of Peru's Mincetur as an institutional member of the Ibero-American Network of Smart Tourist Destinations to continue international cooperation efforts in tourism, as well as to create opportunities for exchanging experiences.

The official recognition took place in Bogota (Colombia) within the framework of the Fifth Plenary Commission of the Ibero-American Network of Smart Tourist Destinations, which established Mincetur's inclusion in said organization, following a vote by its member countries: Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Chile, Colombia, and Uruguay.


Publicado: 24/10/2023