
Peru: How will primary elections unfold ahead of 2026 General Elections?

Photo: ONPE.

Photo: ONPE.

00:16 | Lima, Mar. 18.

The primary elections, through which parties will select their candidates for the 2026 general elections, will be held under three modalities, as established by Law No. 31981 (which introduced amendments to various articles of the Political Organizations Law). Learn about each of them.

First, open elections may be called, allowing all citizens —whether affiliated with a political organization or not— to vote universally, freely, voluntarily, equally, directly, and by secret ballot.

Another modality is closed elections, in which only affiliated members may vote, using a universal, free, direct, and secret ballot.

Lastly, indirect elections may be conducted through delegates, who must first be elected by affiliated members through a universal, free, voluntary, equal, direct, and secret ballot.

In the first two modalities (open and closed elections), to continue participating in the electoral process, the political organization or electoral alliance must obtain at least 10% of the valid votes cast from the total number of eligible voters in the corresponding political organization's voter registry.

For the third modality (indirect elections), at least 10% of the valid votes from elected delegates are required.

Additionally, the political organization may request support from electoral system bodies.

The participation of electoral bodies, such as the National Elections Board (JNE), the National Office of Electoral Processes (ONPE), and the National Registry of Identification and Civil Status (RENIEC), is mandatory in all three modalities, with a slight exception in the delegate-based modality.

Electoral Alliances

To participate in the primaries ahead of the 2026 general elections, electoral alliances may submit their registration request to the National Directorate of Political Organizations Registry (DNROP) no later than June 16, 2025.

Additionally, they must obtain their registration by July 16, 2025, at the latest.

Who can become a Candidate in the Primary Elections?

Any citizen who is affiliated with a party as of July 16, 2024, is eligible to run as a candidate in the primary elections.

In the case of political organizations undergoing the registration process, the citizen must have been presented as an affiliate with the National Directorate of Political Organizations Registry (DNROP) by the aforementioned date.


Publicado: 18/3/2025