
Peru: Government strongly condemns attack against Slovakia's PM

Photo: ANDINA/Daniel Bracamonte

Photo: ANDINA/Daniel Bracamonte

15:46 | Lima, May. 15.

The Peruvian Government —through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs— on Wednesday strongly condemned the attack against Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico.

This message was issued by the government agency on the X platform (formerly Twitter).

"The Government of Peru strongly condemns the attack against the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic, Robert Fico, and hopes for his speedy recovery," the message reads.

Likewise, Peru expressed its total rejection of any type of violence.

Similarly, the South American country conveyed its solidarity to the Slovak Government and people.

Prime Minister Fico was the target of an assassination attempt on Wednesday when he was shot several times during a visit to the town of Handlova.

According to media reports, Fico was shot multiple times while greeting a group of citizens. 

After the attack, it was reported that he is in critical condition.


Publicado: 15/5/2024