
Peru: Frontline doctors to get free air travel in September

Peruvian frontline doctors. Photo: ANDINA.

Peruvian frontline doctors. Photo: ANDINA.

18:14 | Lima, Sep. 15.

Doctors —medical professionals who work on the front line of the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic— will get free travel on domestic flights this month.

The initiative is the result of an agreement between the Regional Council III-Lima of the Peruvian College of Physicians and Sky Airline.

The alliance would offer free travel for doctors to get to health facilities within the framework of the health emergency and the demand for health care in provinces across Peru.

"We are aware of the situation our country is going through, in which health professionals are required to travel to different regions to treat several diseases," Sky Airline Peru Legal and Corporate Affairs Manager Gloria Loza stated.

"For this reason, we wanted to help the Peruvian College of Physicians and members of the Medical Order, making our airplanes available, now that Peru needs them more than ever," she added.

Thanks to this initiative, doctors will be able to travel on Sky Airline flights until the end of September, since more than 1,000 tickets will be available to the following destinations: Arequipa, Iquitos, Lima, Pucallpa, Piura and Tarapoto.

"The country is going through a very difficult time, and our medical professionals are called on to lead the struggle for health in order to attend several diseases and treatments that were stopped because of the health emergency," said Juan Astuvilca, Dean of the Regional Council III-Lima of the Peruvian College of Physicians.

"We are very happy to have forged this alliance with Sky Airline, as it will allow us to establish a route to make it easier for us to reach regions with insufficient medical personnel," he concluded.


Publicado: 15/9/2020