
Peru: Epidemiological alert issued due to rise in COVID-19 cases in 8 regions

Photo: ANDINA/Ministry of Health of Peru

Photo: ANDINA/Ministry of Health of Peru

12:00 | Lima, Nov. 26.

The Ministry of Health (Minsa) —through the National Center for Epidemiology, Prevention, and Disease Control (CDC)— has issued an epidemiological alert to promote the strengthening of health services and surveillance activities in public and private establishments.

The measure responds to a significant increase in COVID-19 positive cases in eight regions across the country, which implies a high risk level.

According to the alert, a 19% increase of cases (6,291) has been recorded in epidemiological week 45 compared to week 43 (5,811).

The assessment, according to the COVID-19 risk classification (cases and hospitalizations), indicates that 11 provinces (8 regions) are in the high risk level: Santa (Ancash); Huamanga (Ayacucho); Huancavelica (Huancavelica); Concepcion (Junin); Chepen (La Libertad); Piura, Sechura, and Talara (Piura); Tacna (Tacna); as well as Tumbes and Zarumilla (Tumbes).

According to the epidemiological analysis prepared by the CDC, positive cases are very likely to increase even more, due to the increased mobility of people to attend social gatherings around Christmas and New Year's Day.


Minsa recommends strengthening prevention and control measures aimed at timely detection of cases, their isolation and management —according to the degree of affectation— as well as the identification of contacts and subsequent quarantine.

Likewise, the ministry recommends continuing the vaccination effort through house-to-house, concentration, and fixed-point strategies, which are aimed to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus.
The vaccination proceeds at different speeds in each region. In addition, Peru's first-dose coverage reaches 76.9% and second-dose coverage reaches 61.5%.

The first-dose coverage ranges from 88.5% (lca) to 52.1% (Madre de Dios), and the second-dose coverage from 74.5% (lca) to 33.8% (Madre de Dios).


Publicado: 26/11/2021