
Peru: Constitutional Court rules in favor of Alberto Fujimori's pardon

14:04 | Lima, Mar. 17.

Peru's Constitutional Court (TC) on Thursday declared the habeas corpus filed by the defense of imprisoned ex-President Alberto Fujimori (1990-2000) admissible and reinstated the humanitarian pardon granted by former President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski in December 2017.

In a statement, the Court said that magistrates in today's plenary session voted on File No. 02010-2020-PHC/TC, a habeas corpus process promoted in favor of Alberto Fujimori against the decision of the Judiciary Chair and others.

Judges Ernesto Blume, Jose Luis Sardon, and Augusto Ferrero voted in favor of the appeal for Fujimori's pardon.

On the other hand, the magistrates who opposed it were Marianella Ledesma, Eloy Espinosa-Saldaña, and Manuel Miranda.

Augusto Ferrero, in his capacity as Chair of the TC, used his casting vote. By doing so, the TC's sentence declaring the claim admissible reflects the votes of Ernesto Blume, Jose Luis Sardon, and Augusto Ferrero.

The above-mentioned sentence declares the claim admissible, reinstates the effects of Supreme Resolution 281-2017-JUS dated December 24, 2017, which granted a humanitarian pardon to the plaintiff, and demands his release.

The record of the votes will be published on the institution's website and will be notified in due course.

About Fujimori

After having fled to Japan and traveled to Chile, from where he was extradited to Peru, the Fujimori patriarch was sentenced for crimes against human rights and corruption committed during his term in office.


Publicado: 17/3/2022