The spokespersons of different parliamentary benches, headed by
, who earlier today requested to appear at a Congress plenary session on Saturday to present the Government's general policy and request a vote of confidence from lawmakers.
The top congresswoman specified that it is not the usual procedure to request in writing the presentation of Cabinet and that —rather— it is a coordination and an agreement, as happened with former Prime Ministers Mirtha Vasquez and Guido Bellido.
The chief legislator mentioned that the date for the request of a confidence vote will depend on the parliamentary agenda and the decision to be made by the Board of Spokespersons.
"We'll do it once we have (held) a meeting and (have set) a date, but definitely not tomorrow," she emphasized.
Likewise, Alva expressed her discomfort over Valer's statements regarding the eventual denial of confidence to the Ministerial Cabinet that he leads, meaning that Parliament would be burning its "silver bullet."
"We want to know if the Executive Branch wants to threaten Congress this way so that we vote against this confidence (…)," Alva expressed.
In turn, Alianza Para el Progreso party spokesman Eduardo Salhuana said he had listened in consternation to Valer's statements. Thus, he asked President Castillo to clarify if he endorses those words.
Salhuana asked that —for the sake of the country— the Government reflects and corrects its attitudes. At the same time, he announced that parties stand united and firm in defense of democracy and the Constitution.
Along the same lines, the spokespersons of parties Avanza Pais and Podemos Peru, among others, expressed their opinions on the matter.