
Peru: Carlos Gonzalez Mendoza appointed as Deputy Economy Minister

Photo: ANDINA/Jhonel Rodriguez Robles

Photo: ANDINA/Jhonel Rodriguez Robles

11:00 | Lima, May. 14.

The Executive Branch has appointed Carlos Alberto Gonzalez Mendoza to the position of Deputy Economy Minister of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF).

The measure was made official via Supreme Resolution No. 018-2024-EF, published in the Official Gazette El Peruano on Tuesday.

Gonzalez Mendoza's appointment occurs following the resignation of Daniel Francisco Barco Rondan from the aforementioned post, which was also officialized through the aforementioned document.

Barco Rondan had been appointed as deputy minister two months ago, at the beginning of March.

The latest resolution was signed by the President of the Republic, Dina Boluarte, and Economy-Finance Minister Jose Arista.


Publicado: 14/5/2024