
Machu Picchu restricted to 2500 visitors per day

Inca citadel of Machu Picchu. Photo:ANDINA/Percy Hurtado

Inca citadel of Machu Picchu. Photo:ANDINA/Percy Hurtado

13:07 | Cusco, Jul. 21 (ANDINA).

Peruvian authorities in Cusco said Wednesday that after reaching the maximum number of 2500 visitors per day, access to the famed Inca citadel of Machu Picchu has been restricted to ensure its preservation.

“As an institution, we have internal and external standards to meet. These standards include the recommendations made by Unesco and the Master Plan of Machu Picchu which states that only 2500 people can enter the citadel per day,” said Julio Dueñas, head of Cusco’s Regional Directorate of Culture (DRC).

Dueñas suggested tourists get their tickets in advance via the online ticket system and avoid hiring informal tour operators.

Machu Picchu closed momentarily on Tuesday, July 19, and some 80 visitors, who were accompanied by informal tour guides, could not enter the archaeological site.

"They arrived in the town of Machu Picchu without their ticket. We have an office that sells tickets in this place only if there is enough space, but this wasn’t the case,” Dueñas told Andina.

"Another recommendation made by Unesco is that we can’t sell tickets at Machu Picchu’s entrance door. The office in the Machu Picchu town can only sell tickets for the citadel in contingency plans or if there is enough space,” he reiterated, recalling that this is the first time a situation such as this has happened.


Publicado: 20/7/2011