In the face of the first cases of the BA.2 sub-variant registered in Peru, the
forecast that it will behave similarly to the Omicron variant.
Within this framework, Health Minister Hernan Condori called on the population to complete the vaccination against COVID-19 with a booster dose.
Likewise, the Cabinet member pointed out that —unlike the first and second waves— this time the third COVID-19 wave has caused fewer deaths as most of the population is vaccinated.
"Vaccination does work; it is good and protects us; I invite the population to go to the vaccination centers. I also congratulate the health personnel because their work has made it possible to continue with the massive vaccination campaign in every corner of the country," he said.
Third wave
The expert added that this behavior is expected to remain in place during the following weeks.
"The decreasing trend of confirmed cases is observed in all regions except in Tumbes, where the curve of cases is still increasing. The same is observed in hospitalized cases in almost every region; however, the trend in the regions of Huancavelica, Moquegua, and Ancash remains high," Dr. Munayco specified.
Concerning hospital occupancy, there is a slowdown in the occupancy of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) beds and a decrease in general hospitalization coverage.
Deceased people
Although the national average is declining in Peruvian regions, mortality from COVID-19 remains high —with the exception of Callao, Cusco, Metropolitan Lima, and Loreto, where a downward trend is observed.