
FA Minister: APEC Peru 2024 Presidency to focus on sustainable growth

Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru

Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru

12:27 | Lima, Dec. 5.

Foreign Affairs Minister Javier Gonzalez-Olaechea pointed out that Peru's presidency of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum in 2024 will focus, as a priority, on sustainable growth for resilient development.

This was stated on Monday during the launch ceremony of the 
APEC Peru 2024 presidency.

At this event, the government official highlighted as a priority the promotion of trade and investment for interconnected and inclusive growth, as well as innovation and digitalization for the transition to global economy.

"The agenda and priorities of the APEC Peru 2024 presidency will focus on empowerment, inclusion, and growth as a reflection of our priorities that include promoting trade and investment for interconnected and inclusive growth, innovation, and digitalization for the transition to global economy and sustainable growth for resilient development," he stated.

Likewise, the high-ranking official said our country has successfully led the presidency of this important economic forum in 2008 and 2016, which is why he invited the representatives of different economies that make up the APEC to the next Leaders' Summit.

"During next year, the cities of Arequipa, Lima, Pucallpa, Trujillo, and the Urubamba valley in Cusco (region) will host various APEC events, underscoring the diversity and riches of our country, several times ancient in (terms of) history, and with a decentralized approach," he remarked.

On the other hand, the Cabinet member participated in the "Symposium on APEC Peru 2024 Priorities," at which he informed the 21 delegations of member economies that the vision to be highlighted by the South American country is immersed in the motto "Empower. Include. Grow."

In this sense, during the first event held within the framework of Peru's APEC presidency, Minister Gonzalez-Olaechea stated that the Peruvian proposal is closely related to instruments such as the "APEC Vision 2040" and its Action Plan.

"Similarly, I would like to highlight that, during its presidency of APEC, Peru will implement the 'APEC Citizen Peru 2024' initiative, to bring this important forum closer to civil society through technological, academic, cultural, as well as sporting initiatives and events, among others," he added.

During his speech, the minister indicated that in the current international framework "it is necessary to make the most of all the options offered by the APEC to strengthen our economic actors, include them in the possibilities provided by economic development, and thus return to the path of inclusive growth in favor of the vast majority of our 21 respective economies."


Publicado: 5/12/2023