
BCR raises Peru's GDP growth projection to 3.1% for 2024

Photo: Courtesy

Photo: Courtesy

10:09 | Lima, Jul. 1.

The Central Reserve Bank (BCR) raised its growth projection for Peru's economy from 3% to 3.1% for this year, driven by the primary sector, especially the fishing one.

"The key point to highlight is that we have revised the growth projection upwards, largely based on what has already been observed; we have gone from 3% to 3.1% growth," BCR Governor Julio Velarde said on June 21.

"The strongest adjustment is observed in the primary sector, from a growth estimate of 2.8% to 3%; the sphere where we have made the most significant change is fishing, as we were estimating a 10% growth, but now we are estimating a 20% growth," he added.

Regarding the non-primary sector, the BCR head indicated that it maintains its 3.1% growth projection this year, but that it could have an upward bias.

"The non-primary sector maintains its growth (rate); there are some adjustments; the bias could even be upward, but the estimate at this moment is 3.1%," Velarde pointed out.

"For 2025, we are estimating a growth around 3%," he added.

Remarks were made by the issuing entity's head during the Inflation Report presentation.


Publicado: 1/7/2024