
APEC Peru 2024: Mincetur participates in Trade and Investment Committee

Photo: Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Peru

Photo: Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Peru

09:56 | Arequipa (Arequipa region), May. 15.

The Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur) reported that it participated in the Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI) session held in the southern city of Arequipa —within the framework of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum activities currently underway in Peru.

During this meeting, Julio Chan —APEC General Coordinator at Mincetur and Peru's representative to the CTI— led the national delegation and presented a report on the Second Dialogue about the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP).

At said session, member economies underlined the importance of addressing emerging challenges and promoting inclusive economic integration, highlighting the participation of diverse actors.

In this regard, Mariella Amemiya, Director General of Foreign Trade Development Policies at Mincetur, indicated that, during the dialogue on inclusive trade and transition to a formal economy, APEC economies reaffirmed the importance of inclusive trade policies to foster MSMEs growth, addressing barriers to encourage their participation in international trade.

In turn, Rocio Barreda, Director of Technical Requirements for Foreign Trade at Mincetur, presented an initiative proposal to promote transparency through the enhancement of notifications of sanitary and phytosanitary information. It was recommended to discuss best practices and ways to strengthen capabilities in order to enhance the information presented in such notifications.

Peru also presented a project —a joint work with China that seeks to adopt measures aimed at empowering trade facilitation among APEC economies.

According to Mincetur's Trade Facilitation Specialist, Ingrid Huapaya, the project aims to assess the challenges and benefits of adopting an electronic bill of lading, as well as to highlight the potential of this electronic document in streamlining customs procedures, optimizing the transmission of information, enhancing the flow of goods, reducing associated costs, among others.

As is known, the CTI allows the 21 APEC member economies to dialogue on trade issues.

At their sessions, member economies also discuss opportunities to liberalize and expand trade; facilitate a more open environment for investment; and develop initiatives to improve the flow of goods, services, capital, and technology within the bloc.

Peru is hosting APEC for the third time after the 2008 and 2016 editions.


Publicado: 15/5/2024