
Alberto Fujimori banned from leaving Peru for 9 months due to Pativilca case

Photo: AFP

Photo: AFP

11:53 | Lima, Feb. 1.

The Judiciary has issued an order preventing former President Alberto Fujimori from leaving Peru for nine (9) months linked to the Pativilca case.

Besides, the Temporary Liquidating Supraprovincial Criminal Court declared unfounded the prosecutorial requirement for replacing a simple appearance order with house arrest for the accused citizen.

The defendant is charged with being the perpetrator-by-means of the commission of the crime of qualified homicide in the form of murder with malice aforethought, provided for and punished in section 3, article 108, of the Penal Code. It is considered a crime against humanity due to the kidnapping, torture, and murder of six people.

The incident occurred on January 29, 1992, in El Caraqueño and San Jose annexes located in Pativilca, Barranca district (Lima region).

The victims were John Calderon Rios (18 years old), Toribio Ortiz Aponte (25), Felandro Castillo Manrique (38), Pedro Agüero Rivera (35), Ernesto Arias Velasquez (17), and Cesar Rodriguez Esquivel (29).

A former member of the Colina Group, Jorge Ortiz Mantas, in past hearing confessed that he had participated in the massacre, which was carried out by the aforementioned paramilitary group.

Fujimori is accused of being the perpetrator-by-means for having exercised the highest command of a power structure, including direct control over it —having assumed the Presidency of the Republic and become Supreme Head of the Armed Forces and the Peruvian National Police.

Under that order, the former top official had approved the Peruvian State's anti-terrorist policy, which was later crafted and carried out by his former Intelligence Advisor Vladimiro Montesinos Torres. The chain of command reached Colina Group members.


Publicado: 1/2/2024