
President Vizcarra: Peru reached 605,000 COVID-19 tests

13:37 | Lima, May. 15.

The President of the Republic Martin Vizcarra on Friday reported that 605,000 tests have been conducted to date in order to detect coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in Peru.

The Head of State remarked that this is a much higher quantity compared to that of any country in the region, such as: Brazil, Argentina, or Colombia, which have much larger populations than Peru's.
Recently, a new batch has been acquired, to which the 127,000 molecular tests —provided by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)— will be added.

At the beginning, the top official recalled that 200 to 300 tests used to be conducted per day, followed by 1,000 to 1,200 on a daily basis. Thus, the Health Minister proposed increasing the figure tenfold.
"This week, we have conducted between 25,000 and 30,000 tests; only the day before yesterday there were 33,000. We are making a great effort, and we are going to continue working that way," he said.


Published: 5/15/2020