
President Castillo: Peru is economically stable, a country with lowest risk in region

12:01 | Lima, Feb. 17.

The President of the Republic Pedro Castillo on Thursday emphasized that Peru is economically stable and the country with the lowest risk in Latin America and the Caribbean.

"I call on investors, on companies; there is legal certainty here, and we will ensure economic security of the country," he stated.

"We will promote the economic revival responsibly, ensuring political and legal stability," the Head of State commented.

According to international agency Bloomberg, Peru is currently the strongest and most stable economy in Latin America and the Caribbean, based on an update in its country risk ranking.

Peru reached 56.28 points, displacing Chile, which reached 52.79 points.

On the other hand, Mr. Castillo mentioned that the Government has the "Peru in Motion" strategy, and many public works are about to be inaugurated throughout the country.

In addition, the President announced that he will soon travel to Amazonas and Lambayeque to implement the agendas in each region and bring the State closer to the peoples.

Remarks were delivered during an executive meeting with regional authorities called "Consolidating territorial agendas."


Published: 2/17/2022