Over 24 million Peruvians head to the polls today to vote in a referendum on constitutional reforms and to take part in the second round of their country's regional elections.
The reforms were proposed by the Executive Branch and subsequently approved by Congress.
Said proposals address lawmakers' reelection, bicameral legislature, political parties' private financing, and a reform of the National Council of the Magistracy (CNM) —renamed National Justice Board.
Below are the four referendum questions:
1. Do you approve the constitutional reform on the National Justice Board's composition and functions?
2. Do you approve the constitutional reform to regulate political parties' private financing?
3. Do you approve the constitutional reform to ban the immediate re-election of lawmakers?
4. Do you approve the constitutional reform to establish a bicameral parliamentary system at Congress?

The ballots for each question will be counted separately, so voters will have to tick each question separately as well.
Therefore, the Vizcarra administration intends to implement a positive change in Peru with these reforms.
Regional elections
On the other hand, voters will have to pick new governors and vice-governors the same day as part of the second round of regional elections.
The process will take place in 15 regions: Amazonas, Ancash, Apurimac, Arequipa, Ayacucho, Cajamarca, Cusco, Huanuco, Lima provinces, Madre de Dios, Pasco, Piura, San Martin, Tacna, and Tumbes.
Below is a list of candidates running for regional governors and the parties they stand for:
- Wilmer Florentino Dios Benites (Movimiento Independiente Regional Faena)
- Segismundo Cruces Ordinola (Democracia Directa)
- Santiago Enrique Paz Lopez (Region para Todos)
- Servando Garcia Correa (Movimiento Independiente Fuerza Regional)
- Walter Benavides Gavidia (Alianza para el Progreso)
- Mesias Antonio Guevara Amasifuen (Accion Popular)
- Diogenes Celis Jimenez (Sentimiento Amazonense Regional)
- Oscar Ramiro Altamirano Quispe (Movimiento Regional Fuerza Amazonense)
San Martin
- Walter Grundel Jimenez (Alianza para el Progreso)
- Pedro Bogarin Vargas (Accion Regional)
- Juan Santos Rebaza Carpio (Movimiento Regional El Maicito)
- Juan Carlos Morillo Ulloa (Partido Democratico Somos Peru)
- Luis Raul Picon Quedo (Avanzada Regional Independiente Unidos por Huanuco)
- Juan Manuel Alvarado Cornelio (Accion Popular)
- Javier Jesus Alvarado Gonzales Del Valle (Patria Joven)
- Ricardo Chavarria Oria (Fuerza Regional)
- Pedro Ubaldo Polinar (Alianza para el Progreso)
- Rudy Edwin Callupe Gora (Podemos por el Progreso del Peru)
- Carlos Alberto Rua Carbajal (Musuq Ñan)
- Richard Prado Ramos (Qatun Tarpuy)
- Jean Paul Benavente Garcia (Accion Popular)
- Luis Daniel Wilson Ugarte (Restauracion Nacional)
- Baltazar Lantaron Nuñez (Movimiento Regional Llankasun Kuska)
- Michael Martinez Gonzales (Movimiento Popular Kallpa)
Madre de Dios
- Juan Imura Cjuno (Fuerza por Madre de Dios)
- Luis Guillermo Hidalgo Okimura (Alianza para el Progreso)
- Elmer Caceres Llica (Arequipa - Unidos por el Gran Cambio)
- Javier Enrique Ismodes Talavera (Arequipa Transformacion)
- Juan Tonconi Quispe (Accion por la Unidad Tacna)
- Luis Ramon Torres Robledo (Movimiento Independiente Regional Fuerza Tacna)
Published: 12/9/2018