
Peru's researchers design mini washing machine for care of vicuña wool

Photo: ANDINA.

Photo: ANDINA.

16:58 | Lima, Dec. 13.

Researchers from Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP) have designed and manufactured a 5 kg/h vicuña fiber washing machine to remove impurities, as well as avoid vicuña fiber entanglement and breakage.

The innovative mini washer was created by a team led by Eliseo Barriga, who affirms that the project consists of immersing vicuña fiber in an aqueous solution of hot water and detergents. 

The impurities in the fiber —like grease, dust, dirt, among others— will be removed with gentle movements by means of mechanical systems and the application of ultrasound to avoid it (the fiber) from getting curled and tangled until it is damaged or broken when washing it manually.

The PUCP project aims to contribute to the sector's development and to improving the quality of life of camelid breeders.

According to the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation, as well as the latest census conducted in 2012, Peru is the first producer of vicuña and alpaca fibers in the world. 

In addition, more than one million Peruvian farmers raise these animals, and the use of their textiles provides employment to more than 120,000 families.

The vicuña, a wild mammal belonging to the family Camelidae (alpaca, llama, guanaco, and vicuña), has the finest fiber in the world, with an average diameter of 12 microns (one eighth of a human hair).

According to Barriga, the project will help reduce significant losses caused by fiber reduction and contamination. 

In addition, it will avoid high water consumption per kilogram of washed fiber, thus contributing to the increase in the added value of the fiber and to the protection of the environment.


Published: 12/13/2020