
Peru's President: New Central Highway construction to benefit 16 million citizens

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

15:03 | Pozuzo (Pasco region), May. 27.

The President of the Republic Francisco Sagasti on Thursday projected that the execution of the new Daniel Alcides Carrion Central Highway will benefit between 15 and 16 million Peruvians, after welcoming the signing of the Government-to-Government Contract with France for the development of this project.

The Head of State was present at the signing ceremony —held in Pozuzo— and noted that its execution will generate thousands of direct and indirect jobs.

According to the top official, "this project will make the desired integration of the entire central region with the central coast and the rest of the country come true," thus connecting the regions of Ayacucho, Huancavelica, Huanuco, Lima, Pasco, and Ucayali.

The length will be 168 kilometers. It will consist of four lanes featuring soft/hard shoulders, 93 viaducts, and 10 tunnels, which will total 30 kilometers.

GDP will increase

The entire project will require an investment of S/11.7 billion (about US$3.20 billion), calculated the statesman, who also said that its execution will generate 32,500 direct and indirect jobs.

Once this highway is completed, it will allow the passage of 12,152 vehicles per day —a number much higher than the 4,000 which currently travel on that same frequency.

This flow will make it possible to increase Peru's GDP by 1.3%, he indicated.

The execution of this route is justified because the current Central Highway was designed in the 1920s. Once it was already implemented in 1936, the trucks that passed through it used to carry only 1.5 tons of weight as cargo, the President recalled.

According to the agreement signed with France —represented by its Ambassador to Lima Marc Giacomini— the profile preparation phase will be completed in less than one year to give way to the final engineering study and then to the highway construction.

Moreover, the Peruvian leader affirmed that this agreement seeks to "make the most of France's experience in large physical infrastructure works, which will enable a modern road to be put into operation, as the country deserves." 

Mr. Sagasti also said he hopes that the next government —to take office on July 28, 2021— will give continuity to this project.


Published: 5/27/2021