
Peru: President Dina Boluarte calls for broadest unity, a truce to dialogue

Photo: Congress of the Republic of Peru

Photo: Congress of the Republic of Peru

16:29 | Lima, Dec. 7.

The recently sworn-in President of the Republic Dina Boluarte on Wednesday afternoon called for the broadest unity and requested a political truce to install a government and be able to dialogue.

In her first Address to the Nation from Parliament headquarters, the Head of State announced that she will convene a broad-based Ministerial Cabinet.

"We need the best Peruvians; governing Peru will not be an easy task; we will have to form a Cabinet of all bloods, where all democratic forces are represented so that together we can move our country forward," she expressed.

Likewise, the top official recognized the Armed Forces and the National Police of Peru as institutions essential for democracy, "as we have been able to verify today."

The first woman to become President of the Republic asked Parliament for a political truce to install a government of national unity and a deadline to rescue the country from corruption and misrule.

In this sense, the President announced that her first measure will be to confront corruption in all dimensions. Therefore, she requested support from the Offices of the Attorney General and State Attorney to fully intervene in corrupted structures within the Peruvian State, in addition to boosting swift investigations and sanctions. 

"Be confident that the new government will respect its constitutional mission, which is related to the safety of all Peruvians," she affirmed.

At the end of her speech, she mentioned Peruvian writer José María Arguedas, who —she recalled— had taught that the struggle is the greatest good that has been bestowed on mankind.

"And by virtue of that teaching, I promise before the country to fight so that the nobodies, the excluded ones, the outsiders have the opportunity and the access that has historically been denied to them. Long live Peru. Thank you very much," she concluded.


Published: 12/7/2022