
Peru: President Boluarte proposes early elections for April 2024

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

07:54 | Lima, Dec. 12.

The President of the Republic Dina Boluarte has proposed bringing general elections forward to April 2024 —instead of holding them in April 2026.

In this regard, the Head of State affirmed that she will promote an agreement with Congress so as to approve a legislative proposal that makes said proposal viable.

Likewise, the top official announced the declaration of a state of emergency in areas where protests have been taking place recently.

In this sense, Mrs. Boluarte lamented the fact that there is currently an escalation of political confrontation levels, which is not healthy for the country, the economy, or for the fight against poverty.

"I have decided to take the initiative to reach an agreement with Congress in order to bring general elections forward to April 2024. In the next few days, I will submit a bill to bring the elections forward so as to be agreed upon in conjunction with the political forces," she said in a televised Address to the Nation in the early hours of Monday.

The Head of State remarked that this implies constitutional reforms, which must be approved through the expeditious procedures that are set forth in the Constitution.

The top official underscored that from this moment, until the date of the next elections, her administration will promote agreement at Congress on a law to reform the political system, which will allow Peruvians to have a more efficient, transparent, and participatory democratic system of government —one that is free from corruption, but with political parties legitimized by citizen participation.


The President announced the declaration of a state of emergency in areas hit of high social conflict.

"I have given the instructions so that control of internal order can be peacefully reestablished without affecting citizens' fundamental rights. I lament the death of our compatriots from Andahuaylas, in Apurimac region, and I express my heartfelt condolences to their relatives," she emphasized.

The Head of State said she is fully aware that she was elected on a presidential ticket that legitimately won the 2021 general elections. In this sense, Mrs. Boluarte underscored that this was not a blank check, but rather a commitment to the Peruvian people, institutions, the construction of democracy, economic growth, and social justice.

Moreover, the top official emphasized that she had assumed the Presidency of the Republic at a difficult time, which is why constitutional reforms are required to create an ideal political system. She also stated that citizenry will be unified once there are neither poor nor excluded citizens in Peru.

"My duty as President in this current difficult time is to read and collect the concerns of the vast majority of Peruvians; the collective interest of the nation must come ahead of any other consideration," she underlined.


Published: 12/12/2022