
Peru: It's imperative that all hostilities on eastern border of Ukraine and Russia cease

Photo: ANDINA/Diffusion

Photo: ANDINA/Diffusion

18:42 | New York (U.S.), Feb. 23.

Peru on Wednesday expressed deep concern over the evolution of events within the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, as well as on the eastern border between Ukraine and Russia, and advocated for a peaceful and sustainable solution through diplomatic channels.

This was stated by the Permanent Representative of Peru to the United Nations, Ambassador Manuel Rodriguez Cuadros, who affirmed it is imperative that all hostilities and violations of the ceasefire in the area stop.

Peru agrees with what was expressed by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, in the sense that recognizing the independence of separatist territories and the deployment of military forces within those territories "are incompatible with the principles of the Charter of the United Nations, and they constitute a violation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine," the ambassador said.

For a negotiated solution

In a brief message, the Peruvian diplomat urged the parties involved to commit all their efforts to de-escalate the conflict, lower tension, start a de-escalation process, build trust, and find the most appropriate means to start consultations, as well as negotiations that make a negotiated solution possible —as prescribed by international law and the United Nations Charter.

"It is imperative that all hostilities and violations of ceasefire in the zone stop, as prescribed by the Minsk Agreements," he emphasized.

The Permanent Representative said Peru reaffirms its conviction that international peace and security entail the obligation of all States to resolve conflicts through peaceful means of dispute resolution.

International law and sovereignty

Therefore, it is necessary to strictly apply the principles of respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law, the non-use of force or threat of the use of force, respect for sovereignty, the territorial integrity of States, and the protection of populations' human rights.

"In the current difficult and complex situation, Peru deems it essential and peremptory to make use of the means offered by diplomacy to ensure consultations and negotiations that guarantee a peaceful and sustainable solution which takes into account the legitimate interests of the parties, in strict respect for the Charter of the United Nations and the norms of international law," the envoy concluded.


Published: 2/23/2022