
Peru Health Min: Isolation requires everyone's commitment to face coronavirus

15:03 | Lima, Mar. 12.

Health Minister Elizabeth Hinostroza on Thursday said that isolation amid the novel coronavirus outbreak demands everyone's commitment and responds to the fact that confirmed cases had as precedent trips to Asia and Europe, mainly Spain and Italy, which is why intervention protocols have been adopted at Peru's main airport since Wednesday.

"Home isolation does not imply deprivation of liberty; it is a commitment that must be assumed by all citizens arriving on those flights. We are in an early initiation stage of the epidemiological curve. The rise in (COVID-19) cases will depend on how the country reacts and how all citizens behave," she stated after urging people not to take this ruling lightly.

The minister noted that arrangements are being made with Peru's immigration office in order to make the screening of passengers seamless.

In addition, she reported that Minsa is working hand-in-hand with Lima Airport Partners (LAP) for the latter to implement the sworn declaration of health form —to be completed by all passengers arriving from abroad— approved by ministerial resolution No. 0862020/MINSA.

Said resolution states that visitors shall report on the cities they have been and the transfers they made. 

Similarly, Minsa has been working directly with airlines, police authorities, the immigration office, and the Foreign Affairs Ministry. 

During her visit, she reported that no suspected cases of the novel coronavirus had been detected, and that most Peruvians enter the national territory without showing symptoms of COVID-19.


Published: 3/12/2020