
Peru Gov't to allocate US$479.7 million to regions to ensure health insurance coverage

19:08 | Lima, Jan. 29.

The Government —through the Comprehensive Health Insurance (SIS)— guaranteed the financing for the comprehensive care of over 20 million beneficiaries of the Universal Health Care program, the Ministry of Health (Minsa) reported on Wednesday.

According to Minsa, the exchange of benefits will begin within the first half of February in the four major regions of Peru. 

SIS and the Intangible Solidarity Health Fund (FISSAL) have signed addendums to the agreements —in force since 2019— with 25 regional governors. They will enable the allocation of over S/1.6 billion (around US$479.7 million) to guarantee the coverage of health care services for SIS enrollees.

The signing took place in a ceremony held at the Government Palace in Lima, in the presence of President Martin Vizcarra and Health Minister Elizabeth Hinostroza.

"There can be no progress if four million people lack health insurance," Mr. Vizcarra said, referring to the need for achieving universal health care coverage, and noting that this is not only about increasing the number of beneficiaries, but about providing quality care with an efficient and transparent use of resources.

While financing health care as well as timely availability of medicines, medical supplies and materials, the addendums set financial and performance indicators that must be complied with in regions, as well as the payment methods to assist over 20 million SIS beneficiaries under the universal health care scheme.


Published: 1/29/2020