
Peru: Government extends state of national emergency for 31 calendar days



10:42 | Lima, Dec. 22.

The Peruvian Government has approved the Supreme Decree that extends the state of national emergency for 31 calendar days, due to the severe circumstances affecting the lives of Peruvians as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The decree provides that —during the state of emergency— the exercise of constitutional rights relating to personal freedom and security, the inviolability of homes, and the freedom of assembly, as well as transit across the national territory, are restricted.

According to Supreme Decree No. 201-2020-PCM, published in El Peruano official gazette, the extension will be in force starting January 1, 2021.

The staff of electoral bodies will be exempt from the compulsory social immobilization restriction, provided that they hold appropriate credentials or documents that prove their relationship with the entity, as well as their ID document for identification purposes.

The regulation provides that the migration control will be strengthened in the country's border regions.

Additionally, the daily curfew time has been changed in Tumbes, Piura, Lambayeque, and La Libertad regions, as well as in Santa Province (Ancash region), where the movement of people will be limited between 10:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m.

In the case of Lima Metropolitan Area, Lima Provinces, and Callao, the mandatory social immobilization will be in place from 11:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m.

On the other hand, the permitted visitor capacity at shopping centers, department stores, and shopping arcades has been reduced to 40% in Tumbes, Piura, Lambayeque, and La Libertad regions, as well as in Santa Province (Ancash region), Lima Metropolitan Area, Lima Provinces, and Callao, from December 22 this year to January 4, 2021.

Likewise, local governments shall regulate the economic activity of conglomerates within their jurisdictions, in order to reduce the risk of crowding.

To do so, they must delimit physical spaces and access zones, establish capacity limits and supervision time at peak hours, as well as implement suitable measures to carry out effective control of capacity, among other measures.


Published: 12/22/2020