
Peru allows cinemas, theaters, gyms, and casinos to reopen at 40% capacity

Photo: ANDINA.

Photo: ANDINA.

10:48 | Lima, Dec. 6.

The Government has authorized the reopening of activities at cinemas, theaters, gyms, casinos, and slot machine halls at 40% capacity in enclosed spaces, according to a decree published on Sunday in El Peruano official gazette.

In this sense, Supreme Decree No. 187-2020-PCM approves the expansion of Phase 4 of the Economic Resumption within the framework of the National Health Emergency declared by authorities due to the serious circumstances affecting the life of the nation as a result of COVID-19.

The regulation provides that the permitted capacity may be increased —up to 60% in the case of theaters, for example— if these activities are carried out in open spaces.

Likewise, shopping centers, restaurants, and related businesses shall operate at up to 60% capacity, except bars, pubs, discos, karaoke venues, and related businesses.

The economic activities authorized by this Supreme Decree may resume once the following conditions are met:

1) Businesses shall have a health protocol approved by the Ministry of Health.

2) They must adapt their health measures for workers to the provisions of Ministerial Resolution No. 972-2020-MINSA, which approves the Technical Document called "Guidelines for health surveillance, prevention, and control of workers at risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2."

According to the regulation, the activities contained in all Phases of the Economic Resumption —including extensions and modifications— are periodically reviewed, taking into account the evolution of epidemiological data. 

Additionally, the following should also be taken into consideration:

1. Mandatory use of face masks for everyone entering the premises.

2. Provision of hand washing stations at entrance points.

3. Practice of physical distancing.

4. The company, organization, or entity shall designate a person to inform the health sector —weekly— on compliance with the capacity limits, by way of an affidavit.


Published: 12/6/2020