
Peru Congressman: Ex-President Alan Garcia buying time to escape

13:52 | Lima, Dec. 4.

Frente Amplio party Congressman Marco Arana on Tuesday affirmed former President Alan Garcia currently tries to buy time in order to evade Peruvian justice, as Uruguay has recently rejected his asylum request.

It should be noted Judicial Branch Chairman Victor Prado will end his term in office this December, whereas current Attorney General Pedro Chavarry could remain in office and even become a member of the National Justice Board. The institution is in charge of appointing judges and prosecutors in the country.

According to the legislator, this could benefit the ex-Head of State. 

"I think Alan Garcia is already on Plan B, which means buying time and lowering citizens' hostility. He is, indeed, trying to buy time in order to escape," he told RPP radio and TV station. 

The lawmaker indicated he reached that conclusion after listening to the APRA (Garcia's political party) statements, whose members —despite all the evidence— do not admit the blame, nor assume any responsibility. 

Likewise, Arana affirmed they are trying to buy time by emphasizing there is an alleged political persecution against them. 

Furthermore, he highlighted Uruguay's decision to reject Garcia's asylum request, claiming that country has defended the institution of asylum and made clear it is not intended for people under investigation for common crimes. 

He went on to add this ruling will close the doors to other politicians who seek asylum under the same circumstances. 

As is known, the congressman was part of Frente Amplio's delegation which visited South America's Oriental Republic in order to explain that —from their point of view— Garcia was not a persecuted politician but a person under probe for common crimes. 


On the same day, Garcia entered the Uruguayan Ambassador's residence with the purpose of requesting asylum.

As is known, Brazilian construction giant and corruption-tainted Odebrecht allegedly paid bribes to secure the Lima Metro Line 1 contract during Garcia's presidency (2006-2011).

Alan Garcia served as President of Peru between 1985-1990 and 2006-2011.


Published: 12/4/2018