Association of Peruvian Exporters (Adex) Chairman Erik Fischer affirmed that Peru has started to stand out as a
global food supplier, taking the top spots as exporter of various products.
"Our country has started to stand out as a major global supplier, which means we are reaping the benefits of all Peruvians' efforts," he remarked.
He also noted that Peru is the second-largest exporter of grapes and canned asparagus in the world, as well as the third-largest exporter of
avocados and ginger.
"In this regard, we decided to put our trust in
Expoalimentaria fair one more time —now in an online format— in which participants will have a more agile and dynamic experience," the Adex officer explained.
In addition, he expressed the willingness of his sector to contribute to the development of the country.
"Our association seeks to create governance spaces; our members have the impetus to continue contributing and collaborating to the success that Peru demands and deserves," Fischer pointed out.
In addition, the Adex head commented that the launch of the
Second Agrarian Reform will be a platform to continue reaching agreements, in which Adex is interested in participating.
Published: 10/1/2021