
70% of Peru's exports to Pacific Alliance members are value-added

15:26 | New York (U.S.), Sep. 26.

Value-added exports account for 70% of total Peruvian shipments to other Pacific Alliance members (Chile, Colombia, and Mexico), Foreign Trade and Tourism Minister Rogers Valencia affirmed Wednesday.

The cabinet member informed textiles, processed and metal-mechanic goods are among the value-added products. 

Within this framework, Pacific Alliance countries receive 7.6% of total Peruvian shipments (US$3.5 billion). 

"This year, Peru's general goal is to reach US$51 billion in total exports," the official told Andina news agency.

Furthermore, the Inca country's shipments to fellow members have increased more than 10% so far in 2018. Yet, this figure is expected to expand between 12% and 14% in the coming years by including small- and medium-sized (SMEs) exporting enterprises.

"In this sense, a digital agenda has been agreed on. It is based on generating e-commerce opportunities for Pacific Alliance countries' SMEs," he expressed. 


According to the Foreign Trade and Tourism Ministry (Mincetur), Peruvian exports to this bloc amounted to US$221 million in July 2018, thus increasing 35% compared to the same period in 2017. 

Said result represented the highest expansion rate since March 2014 (+48%). 

Moreover —in the first seven months of this year— the Inca country's shipments totaled US$1.4 billion (+11%). This result was underpinned by a higher dynamism of hydrocarbons (+41%), farming (+31%), and chemical (+25%) goods. 

In the analyzed period, Peru registered the second-highest expansion rate in the bloc, right behind Chile (+19.6%). 


Published: 9/26/2018